Who are the victims? Victims often are kids on the fringe who have been rejected by others in their peer group. This makes them an easy target for bullies. Because bullies like to win, they pick on kids who won’t or can’t fight back.

Many old homes still have the original knob-and-tube wiring. Although it works, it can pose a fire hazard — especially in the attic, where it’s likely to be covered by insulation. Evidence of the knob-and-tube wiring will be in the basement. So be prepared to ask the right questions.

Via: defendernetwork.com A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to mean nibbling on bland fare. With strategic substitutions and smart snacking tips, you can still enjoy some favorite foods without compromising your nutritional goals.

Via: defendernetwork.com A home is probably the largest purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. And the costs don’t stop with a mortgage payment – rising energy prices make it expensive to operate and maintain a home.


Via: defendernetwork.com The lazy days of summer are meant to be enjoyable, but it’s no surprise they can also be a drain on a child’s education. On average, kids lose more than two months of math and science knowledge during the summer. Teachers spend an average of 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching basic skills taught […]

Via: defendernetwork.com We didn’t become the most obese nation in the world overnight and the damage won’t be undone quickly either. However,

Via: defendernetwork.com Who doesn’t like a good bargain? Coupons have long been a savvy bargain hunter’s go-to tool, and today there are more ways than ever to take advantage of the savings they can bring. Ninety-one percent of women use coupons to get a good deal, according to a national poll from SmartMagazine. And they’re […]

We must pray and be prepared. Are you prepared for an emergency? Maybe you already have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors at home, along with a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and some flashlights

There’s just something about vegetables. Yes, they’re great for you and one of the most essential foods for good health on the planet; but the taste? There are some you love, some you hate – and plenty of people don’t want to bother with them at all. But if you aren’t eating vegetables, you aren’t […]

Via: defendernetwork.com It’s Easy Being Green More and more people are interested in going green, buying organic, and ultimately protecting the environment, for a number of different reasons.