“He reached out to me saying he wanted to see me, but it’s unfortunate that he did it so publicly,” said Kelly. “I want to meet him, and soon, I really do. I forgave him a long time ago.”

Is your girlfriend behind on her weekend errands? Maybe her husband’s sick and she’s got kids and could use a little extra help around the house? Get in there and lend her a hand. She’ll be so appreciative.

When you notice that a friend suddenly won’t answer your text messages, tweets, texts or emails, this can be an unnerving and disturbing situation. According to About.com, the first sign that something could be ‘wrong’ with a friendship is often when you just don’t hear from your friend. Some people are not good at initiating […]

Via: defendernetwork.com When your child is angry and throws a tantrum, do you feel as though you have no control? Thoughts of helplessness can creep into the mind of even the most motivated parent.

Just in time for Black Marriage Day, tomorrow Lamar and Ronnie Tyler the couple behind Happily Ever After and You Saved Me present their new film “Men Ain’t Boys.” The Tyler’s traveled across the country to interview 45 men and multiple experts about the true definition of manhood in the Black community.


Some welcome Professor Ralph Richard Banks book, “Is Marriage for White People?” because it has started an uncomfortable conversation they say is long overdue.

Via: defendernetwork.com Marriage is thought to have a number of health benefits, including greater longevity, less stress, and a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Now, a new study suggests you can add a better survival rate after heart surgery to the list of health perks.

When you move or travel to somewhere new, one of the biggest challenges you encounter is balancing what you know from word-of-mouth about the place and what is actually accurate about the people who live there. You create your own experiences through a lens of what you think will happen versus the true reality of the situation.

So, how many ladies that are real football fans are jumping up and down because the football season is saved? According to Tonya Pendleton of Black America Web, there's a lot. And this is just one of five reasons why women are ready for some football!

Last night, on a whim, a friend I hadn’t seen in years joined me and a gathering of mutual friends in one of our living rooms. I hadn’t expected this reunion to occur, but it was interesting to talk to her and learn about her life again, especially since things have changed so much since […]