I dont know. The White House says its not him. But it looks like someone took a vacation in Atlanta back in 1993 Click the pic and view the evidence yourself after the jump! LOL

Residents around the oil-contaminated Gulf of Mexico gathered Wednesday evening for a community crisis prayer service in the wake of what some say may be the worst leak in U.S. history.

Wayne State University’s Tom Adams Field was packed Wednesday morning to hear First Lady’s speech on mentoring and the future of Detroit: the youth.

VIA MAIL ONLINE.com: Tears streaming down his cheeks, grief overcame Barack Obama [yesterday] as he attended the funeral of the woman he called the ‘Godmother’ of the American civil rights movement. The U.S. president was weeping openly as he watched the service for Dorothy Height in Washington today. He delivered the eulogy for Dr Height, […]

President Barack Obama on Thursday criticized a pending Arizona law that would make it a state crime to be in the United States illegally and require anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant to produce identification.

Obama Administration Announces New Plans to Help With Housing!

I know you may be wondering what is on my mind to make me want to write this. Well, I just finished reading an article that quotes the Governor of Texas Rick Perry as saying that President Obama has put a target on Texas.. What? Come on now? I don’t normally write about politics but, […]

They are doing quite well for themselves. But do you think America's invading the first family's financial privacy????

President Obama travels to Kennedy Space Station in Florida to talk about NASA funding for space exploration. A breakdown of today's conference is to follow.

According to NewsOne.com, both Newsweek and Businessweek have stories about how Obama has restored America’s economy. Businessweek’s story is called “Why The Obama Plan Is Working.”