Police say a Montgomery County woman was beaten and robbed by a former housekeeper and an accomplice inside her home Wednesday morning. Mary Cashdollar answered…

Via: defendernetwork.com A woman was banned from a Houston-area mall. What do you think she did that made her unwelcome at Deerbrook Mall for the next 10 years?

Now this isnt supposed to be funny,but watch and tell me its not! LOL

South African track star Caster Semenya was cleared for competition Tuesday by the International Association of Athletics Federations after being sidelined for nearly a year as debate raged over her gender.

If you ever go to "The Price is Right" and they call your name.....I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU ACT LIKE THIS!


Rituals bring shape and connection to our days beyond the confines of the work week. Meg Cox, author of New Family Traditions: How to Create Great Rituals for Holidays and Everyday, recommends “simple, heartfelt rituals that work for the way people actually live right here, right now.

FROM SHINE.COM: Our early lives are filled with ceremonial doors to pass through, with the beginning and end of each school year (not to mention semesters and midterms) providing structure and a feeling of progression for the first eighteen years of our lives. Then, without warning, we are thrust into a world with its seemingly […]

Police in one Connecticut city have a warning for nightclub patrons: Don't call 911 for a ride home.