A vehicle loaded with arms and grenades plowed into a crowd of people on Thursday night, killing at least 77 and injuring at least 100.

Plus, Saudi Arabia hit by three suicide bombers in three cities in 24 hours and a Florida father accidentally shoots and kills his son during target practice.

Sadly, this type of violence is not rare. In the first six months of 2016, 2,735 Iraqi civilians have been killed by terrorists.

Debris was found in the Mediterranean Sea, but it hasn't been confirmed it's from the plane. Meanwhile, leaders are not ruling out terrorism.

By attending the minor league match, POTUS believes he sent the message that terrorism will not succeed in disrupting people's ordinary lives.

Here are just some examples of the horrifying things the two candidates have said in the wake of the attack that prove they are using the tragedy as political gain...or as a continuation of their xenophobic rhetoric.

The FBI announced Wednesday that the San Bernardino shooters did not openly post on social media about jihad, but did have conversations about martyrdom using "private direct messages."

Police in California have confirmed that all Los Angeles Unified School District schools were closed Tuesday morning due to a credible bomb threat, the LA Times reports. It is unclear when the threat was made and to which school board member, but the situation prompted the LAUSD to close all schools effective immediately, according to […]