With the unfortunate passing of Michael Clarke Duncan over the weekend, heart disease and the heart attack has been given a new face for the African American community. According to the Office of Minority Health, African American adults are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure and they are 10% less likely than their […]

Most people associate heart attack symptoms with chest pain, pain in the shoulder, or other well-known signs.There are others clues that you might be in midst of a severe attack.

Via: googlehealth.com Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that behaves like the cells lining the uterus (endometrium) grows in other areas of the body, causing pain, irregular bleeding, and possible infertility. The tissue growth (implant) typically occurs in the pelvic area, outside of the uterus, on the ovaries, bowel, rectum, bladder, and the […]

Via: msn.com Heart attacks don’t always strike out of the blue — there are many symptoms we can watch for in the days and weeks leading up to an attack. But the symptoms may not be the ones we expect. And they can be different in men and women, and different still in older adults. […]


Chances are that your child is not among the five percent of children with high blood pressure.