Inspired by video from a comedian’s bit on Facebook, Erica Campbell poses what seems to be an age-old question: do black women have a problem submitting to men? Black women have long had a reputation for being more rebellious and refusing to submit in relationships to men- why is that? These listeners put their two […]

Sometimes as a believer, it saddens me when society tries to poke holes in the word of God and take it out of context, but that is why we pray. What do you think about this?

The woman gaining her financial independence could be the worst thing that has ever happen to marriage. Cuz y'all don't know how to be the bread winner and be submissive at the same time. We are going to straighten all that out right now!

  “I took a long time to realize I’d developed some distorted perceptions about biblical submission,” admits Brenda Waggoner, author of The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman (Tyndale). Because the issue of submission is so emotionally charged and hotly debated, I interviewed Brenda, a licensed Christian counselor and prolific author, to address what the […]

Comedian Mo'nique made some interesting points when on an episode of her show, she had a couple on who advised women to submit to their men more. Her and her guests went on to explain how it is the natural order of things.

The misuse of authority has led many women to flinch when the word "submission" is brought up. Today's women often view submission to men as an outdated and humiliating concept. Much of this response is due to the failure of men to be Christlike leaders in their homes.