Ingredients  2 (14.75 ounce) cans wild red salmon 2 eggs 6 green onions, minced Click here for more ingredients and directions

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs salmon, cut into 4 pieces 1 tbs olive oil (I used light extra virgin olive oil) 1 tsp salt 1 tsp ground…

If you only eat collard greens cooked with ham hocks and hot sauce then you’re missing out ladies. These sturdy leafy greens are not only packed…

There’s just something about a fresh salmon dish that just screams home-cooked meal. It’s one of those proteins you can meal prep for the week…

Switch up that usual tilapia dish for some healthy salmon instead! Here’s  how to cook a 20 minute skillet salmon dinner! INGREDIENTS 4 salmon filets…

Quinoa-Avocado Salmon Salad ⅔ cup quinoa 2 fillets salmon 1 pint grape tomatoes ¼ cup cilantro ½ bunch scallions ½ red onion 2 limes 1…

From via:shine Take heart with berries, beans, and other healthy fare. Oatmeal Start your day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. This fiber-rich superfood can lower levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol and help keep arteries clear. Opt for coarse or steel-cut oats over […]