From In a riveting and extremely moving moment, the newly re-elected 44 President of the United States, Barack Obama, thanks campaign staff and volunteers for their extraordinary commitment to him and to changing the country. He talks about his early days in Chicago as a community organizer, telling the rapt audience that “it’s not […]

As election season comes to an end, it’s time to shift the dialogue happening around our country. It’s time to begin a dialogue about moving forward. What does the next decade look like for our country and how do we begin to take steps to change the national dialogue? Four years ago, we found our […]

ABC confirms President Barack Obama has won re-election as the 44th President of the United States Of America. Early Wednesday morning, Obama spoke to a crowd of supporters in Chicago, showing appreciation and talked about why elections matter. Watch below: Thanks to all of you, our loyal listeners for voting in this year’s election! Click […]

While the economy has been an overriding factor, recent job reports have been average, meaning neither side can point to it as a strong area…

Magic Johnson is an extremely wealthy man, but President Barack Obama will receive his vote, not Mitt Romney. Listen to Magic Johnson explain why he’s willing to pay higher taxes under an Obama Administration, and why President Obama will have a great second term, if reelected. in this interview. RELATED STORIES: President Barack Obama Talks […]


A somber and visibly angry Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) held a press conference during which he slammed Atlantic City Mayor Lorenzo Langford and praised President…

Sometimes, it might seem like the battles for our rights and liberties are some distant memory – even something you’ve only read about in a textbook or seen in a documentary. SEE ALSO: Michelle Obama Defends Husband, Says Black Women Have Her Hubby’s Back [Exclusive] The Emancipation Proclamation was signed a century and a half ago. The […]

For Our Country’s Future By: Dallas S. Jones I’ll never forget being eight years old laying in front of the television patiently awaiting the first presidential debate that I ever cared to watch to be aired. The year was 1988. Ronald Reagan was completing his final term. The country would have new leadership. I was […]

(HEMPSTEAD, N.Y.) — Exactly three weeks before voters head to the polls, President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney face-off in Hempstead, N.Y., on Tuesday for the second presidential debate that could again chart a new course for the general election campaign. Click here to listen live to the debate when it airs tonight at […]