In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF explains that he loves to keep up with maintenance on his “beautiful 13” feet by going to get them done at nail salons. He noticed, however, that the ladies at the salon love to talk about him and other customers in their native language of Vietnamese. So in […]

GRIFF’s prayer today is dedicated to a Philadelphia woman who sent a message about the toenails of her husband. She says they’re way too long! GRIFF sends out a prayer in her name so that she may find some peace away from her husband’s scratchy toenails and the consequences they inevitably must present to her […]

Yolanda Adams explains how important it is to get out of your mental funk by de-stressing and removing yourself from the typical madness of life without spending…

With the arrival of spring and summer, it’s time for your toes to make their seasonal debut. But although you want to make them look good as fast as possible, you’ve also got to think about how you can keep them safe and infection-free. Otherwise, you might end up with some surprise results, like a […]