Leo O’Brien who played Richie Greene , Bruce Leroy's troublesom brother in the classic 'The Last Dragon', was shot three times by a friend this week.

Get ready! Eddie Murphy will be hostong the Oscars for the first time in 2012!


"I try not to live my life in a fishbowl. I have to turn off," Vivica said. "If I’m on all of the time, how will my husband ever get to know me as his future wife."

Ejiofor will play Northup, a married and educated free black man living in New York when two men approached him with a job offer in Washington.

Not only did the movie make $5 million on it's opening day, it also earned a rare A+ CinemaScore!

He has done plays, movies and sitcoms on TV! So, why couldn't he have his on 24 hour channel?

Seasoned actor Laurence Fisburn will be playing a roll that has never been potrayed by an african american actor. Also, his former employer recently gave him praises in a recent press confrence.


Statistics show that 82.3% of African American children born in the U.S. since 1990 will not live in the same household as their biological fathers before they graduate high school. This film is for anyone that is or expecting to be a father.

George Lucas has is name on a movie slated to release early 2012 staring Terrance Howard about the Tuskegee Airman. You have to see the preview!


  via:eurweb Actress Viola Davis addresses the elephant in the room regarding her forthcoming film “The Help.” There has already been frustration expressed from those who simply heard that two-time Academy Award nominee Viola Davis is playing a maid in her next movie – without knowing anything about her character from the book upon which […]