
Via: defendernetwork.com One day my husband called and told me he wasn’t coming home –ever. He meant it. We’d been married for 25 years. My stomach felt like gumbo, there were so many things sloshing around inside of me. I was hurt. I was petrified about moving on. Still, the worst feeling was the betrayal. […]

Via: defendernetwork.com Judge Lynn Toler has practiced law for more than two decades, but her legal career has led her down a path few of her peers have traveled. She was elected judge of the Cleveland Heights Municipal Court at the age of 33, and while on the bench, she worked with several organizations focusing […]

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  Via: defendernetwork.com Couples who pray together truly do stay together, and African-American couples are more likely to have “a shared spiritual identity,”

Via: defendernetwork.com Dawn Baxter was introduced to Derrin Woodhouse through a mutual friend at a pre-season New York Jets game.

“Now that [my wife] has met people on [the Internet] and started to flirt, I am starting to feel deeply hurt. An unbearable feeling of jealously is gripping my heart and distracting me from my own daily life. Work, friends and household are all affected. She laughs it off by

I’m sure you have seen it before. You and your partner go out for a nice dinner and get seated next to another couple. They begin bickering, and before long you are sorry you are sitting next to them. Their talk is unkind to one another, and you can only wonder why

Having Barack Obama serving the nation as president, commander-in-chief, as well as first husband and father, may also inspire some men to think more

Here's 6 tips to keep your marriage strong long after the honeymoon's over!