After a beautiful in-depth interview with Hillary Clinton, Erica Campbell says a powerful prayer of strength over the Senator and former first lady, so that she may be covered as she answers her calling to lead and continues fighting the good fight to win the election on November 8th. Erica thanks God for Hillary Clinton […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Pick, GRIFF has got you covered with your sports predictions for the upcoming week. He breaks down all the upcoming games and his expert opinion on who’s going to take home the victory in each face-off between teams. Got high hopes for your team this week? Check out this exclusive […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF speaks on his hope that people will just start to be more honest with himself. He specifically notes how people with road rage tend to deny in God’s name that they don’t have road rage, even though it inevitably comes out when they’re sitting in traffic or another […]

In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell passed the mic to GRIFF, who she says is the epitome of joy living. He says he saw so much tragedy, anger and rage growing up that he thought there must be as much of an energy on the opposite side, with happiness, fun and love. He […]

It’s that time of the year where the changing season my cause tickles in throats across the country. In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF fends his off with a vigorous appeal to God. He asks for God to send angels down to tend to and heal his throat- with song, or anointed oils, of […]

GRIFF has been enthusiastically working on his tambourine skills for a while now. He’s been playing it as his spirit sees fit during songs on the morning show- much to Erica Campbell‘s irritation, in some cases. He even got some feedback on his tambourine chops from David & Tamela Mann when they came to visit! […]

Radio One founder Cathy Hughes explains how Erica Campbell has impressed her throughout her successful career, and how she helped Cathy with her gospel symposium and other aspects of Radio One. She also muses about her love for GRIFF, reveals that she tries to book him any chance she gets, and even brings up one […]

In this edition of Love Talking, GRIFF explains that he’s hurting because he’s going through a divorce he didn’t want. He asked Iyanla Vanzant about ways to cope and heal himself in the aftermath of this relationship ending. In this touching conversation, Iyanla gives GRIFF both a splash of “cold water” in delivering her answer […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF seems to be a little bit fired up about the second debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A lot of strange stuff happened on that stage between the two presidential candidates last night, but one thing in particular stood out in GRIFF’s mind. He just could not […]

After bonding with GRIFF over the close proximity of their birthdays, Reverend Al Sharpton talked with him and Maurette Brown-Clark about the National Action Network’s 2016 Triumph awards. The show honors and highlights people and organizations that have used their positions and platform to fight the good fight for civil and human rights! He explains […]