There has been much made about the misconduct of religious priests and ministers.  It is by introducing a clear and concise ways to deal with your congregation. This will not allow for the lines of familiarity to grow.   They have also introduced a sample code of ethics for congregational leaders as follows: 1. Provide spiritual […]

We often travel roads of redemption which lead us to help others. Ted Williams sat down with Meredith Veira on the Today show and talked about his rediscovery of faith and sobriety.

A prayer for financial security is something each of us need to say from time to time. As we head to the end of another quarter with the raising of oil prices doubts of job security creep in. We must trust that we are not the worth of our financial gain. Sometimes we are called to do something totally different.

Consider for a moment, an earthly example of the tremendous transformation we undergo when we commit our lives to Christ. Imagine that before knowing Jesus you were a caterpillar and after inviting him into your life as your Lord and Savior you have become a butterfly. Now consider your life as a Christian. Do you always act as the new creature you’ve become?

In the woods surrounding Chick-fil-A’s corporate headquarters, patriotic songs mix with hymns — “Amazing Grace,” “How Great Thou Art,” “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” — chiming from a bell tower. Near the front door, a bronze plaque proclaims the company’s purpose: “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted […]

Our faith is a gift from a living and loving God who lavishly tries to reach us and does so with persistent fidelity. It is a celebration of a God of love who tries all kinds of ways to touch us.

Fidelity is the practical expression of love. Fidelity is a love that is supported by loyalty and courage. It is keeping your promises to God, family and country.

COGIC BISHOP Charles E Blake calls for  Support of the President  Obama’s Health Bill.

Faith credits Bad Boy Records for putting her on the map.

When we speak of Dr. King we often  forget that one of his  greatest loves and callings in life was that of his family.