Although the presidential fight between Barack Obama and his opponent Mitt Romney has been almost universally focused on jobs and the economy, education is another…

via: (CNN) — Even though the Internet has become a key tool for accessing services, getting an education, finding jobs, getting the news, keeping up with people you know and much more, one in five U.S. adults still does not use the Internet at all, according to a new Pew report. Why? Mostly they’re […]

In a meeting Thursday, the HISD Board voted for a reduction in its workforce. That reduction translates into the laying off over 60 teachers, 26…

Introducing children to the Bible at an early age allows them to grow up knowing and applying God’s Word to their life. Young children are…

Education budgets have been slashed. Teachers are overburdened and underpaid. Now more than ever, parents need to offer a helping hand. According to a 2000…

Via: A Christian college in Georgia is asking all employees to sign a pledge declaring their heterosexuality. Shorter University instituted the pledge in late October. If an employee decides not to sign the pledge, they are at risk of losing their job. For more on this story visit site above.

Study abroad programs offer the opportunity to learn more about other cultures, the world, and ourselves.

Who are the victims? Victims often are kids on the fringe who have been rejected by others in their peer group. This makes them an easy target for bullies. Because bullies like to win, they pick on kids who won’t or can’t fight back.

Via: The transition from summer to school can be tough for kids and parents, but getting the school year off to a good start can build your child’s confidence, boost their attitude and improve their academic performance throughout the entire year. Thirty-year occupational therapist Nancy Lawton-Shirley knows there’s an effective combination needed to set […]

Via: Whether you’re a parent, a classroom teacher, or a homeschool instructor, you know that students learn best when they can interact with their subject. It can be fun and inspirational to explore and experience an educational concept first hand. The sample project featured here comes from a new, free resource that’s helping to […]