Our email writes to Yolanda Adams about her struggles with re-entering the dating scene after a ten-year hiatus with a 12 year old daughter in the picture…

Tyrese and Rev Run‘s new show on OWN , “It’s Not You It’s Men,” is definitely stirring up some conversation! The duo explains how their combination of…

Dating is hard enough as it is, but what if one of you wants marriage eventually and the other doesn’t? Click on the audio player…

Your last relationship might’ve ended badly, but all you can do is live and learn. Listen to the audio player to hear our listeners talk…

Sometimes we have to ask: Am I doing something wrong?

The good ol’ friend request. Nowadays it means more than just being friends, but rather an invitation to go on a date. Listen to the…

Remaining friends with your ex can be tricky. But shouldn’t we all be forgiving? But listen to the audio player to hear some of our…

How much back and forth does it take to finally end a relationship? Listen to the audio player to hear what our listeners said in…