Thirteen organizations — which include the ACLU, NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, National Action Network, and Rainbow Push Coalition — sent…

  Mike Muse, an accomplished political fundraiser, who has worked with President Obama, Senator Cory Booker and Mayor Bill de Blasio among others, has been named…


(HOUSTON) — Houston will unveil a new statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend. The new MLK statue is a powerful reminder of King’s…

Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Department of Justice released reports regarding accomplishments in various areas of the department. On Monday, the DOJ’s Civil…


Since the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act, the right to vote has seen an increased amount of attacks with one goal in mind –…


via:christianpost Pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger published an article in LifeNews criticizing the NAACP’s pro-choice stance and calling it the “National Association for the Abortion of Colored People.” The NAACP, one of the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights groups, has threatened to sue Bomberger and LifeNews, claiming the phrase is a trademark infringement. The NAACP […]

NEW YORK-Robert L. Carter, a federal judge who helped form the case against segregation in the historic Brown Vs. Board Of Education Supreme Court trial has died at age 94 after complications from a stroke. Carter was part of Thurgood Marshall’s NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund as a lawyer and helped win the historic […]

Plots to suppress the African American vote date back to the Reconstruction Era. Prior to the Voter Rights Act of 1965, these were some of the more commonly used tactics by conservatives who wanted to keep blacks from voting. SEE ALSO: Why Newt Scares Me Violence In 1873, a gang of whites in Colfax, Louisiana […]

A majority of Americans say Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial equality has been realized in the USA, although a significant divide between Black and white people’s perceptions of equality and race relations still exists, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll suggests.

Via phillysportsdaily.comby Dan Loney on May 14, 2011 – s There have certainly been several cases in which Major League Baseball has missed the boat. Just see their decisions many years ago to avoid the issue of steroids like the plague. But this