Thou shalt not commit adultery. And thou also shalt not use Facebook. Rev Cedric Miller, who ordered married church officials to delete their Facebook accounts. Wayne Parry

After years of languishing in makeshift shelters in the Horn of Africa, the final remnants of an Ethiopian community claiming Jewish descent received permission Sunday to move to Israel.

There is dancing along the streets. Gospel, soul and salsa music blare from speakers and bandstands. Spectators jockey for position on sidewalks and side streets, while thousands of runners pass in dribbles and waves. Crowds cheer. Source: New York Times | TRYMAINE LEE

Let us pray for our brothers and sister in Iraqi, BAGHDAD — Iraq’s dwindling Christian community was grieving and afraid on Monday after militants seized a Baghdad church during evening Mass, held the congregation hostage and triggered a raid by Iraqi security forces. The bloodbath left at least

I spent the last 5 days with Europeans at a conference at the Nicoluas Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. The conference was organized around the theme of creating peaceful coexistence in multi-religious societies. I gave a conference presentation and

A crook who broke into a Springfield church using a cross and stole thousands of dollars in equipment has been forgiven. SOURCE: News4Jax

Billing itself as “the faith-based Crash,” the new film I Am opens in more than 2,000 churches this Sunday — 10/10/10, an apt release date for a story based on the Ten Commandments. The drama, set in Los Angeles, features

Former Ugandan child-soldiers visited a church in Katy on Sunday as a part of their U.S. tour to raise awareness about the violent, tragic conditions in

In the first chapter of my book entitled Touch: pressing against the wounds of a broken world I tell the story of my dad’s pivotal lessons to me as a young street kid in development. He would live to tell me two things: “never play with God” and to

Houston was one of three cities in the United States to experience a Pentecostal revival at the turn of the last century. Initial events leading to the revival will be portrayed in a re-enactment featuring a cast of more than