Bishop Secular has some strong thoughts about church building finds that never seem to produce a new church. Raising money for a new church should…

How did the O’Jays find their way into Bishop Secular‘s spirit? Take a listen to the audio below to find out how this legendary group…

As the season changes, Bishop Secular couldn’t help but notice how the South has real summers and fake winters. What does he mean by that?…

Bishop Secular talks about why he doesn’t go to parties thrown by Christians and why partying with other Christians isn’t always a good idea. Plus, hear…

Bishop Secular calls out those who choose to enter rooms without acknowledging the people in it. Hear what he had to say about this rude…

Bishop Secular is a self-described giver, but too many people have been taking advantage of his generosity! Hear Bishop Secular explain why his money though…

Bishop Secular witnessed a pastor getting arrested in front of his congregation, which brings to mind a time when the boys in blue came for…

Bishop Secular has a problem with a cold church, and here are some ways you know when your church is too cold. Take a listen…

The foot washing ministry at Bishop Secular‘s church was trying to give away free food, but nobody seemed to want it. Take a listen to…

Bishop Secular has something to say to the broke people who hate on those who have the funds to vacation and travel. Hear Bishop Secular…