Bishop Secular talks about an outstanding soul food meal his chef prepared, but how did this lead to him reading a verse out of the…

Bishop Secular has a story to tell about a club called strip, not to be confused with a strip club. Listen to the audio below…

There’s a big difference between unsung Christians and superstar Christians, and Bishop Secular breaks it down. Take a listen to this bit from Bishop Secular…

Bishop Secular has a list of signs that will let you know when it’s time to find a brand new pastor. Take heed to these…

Bishop Secular believes that manicures and pedicures are somethings all males should get. But why does he feel this way? Listen to Bishop Secular explain…

Bishop Secular explains why getting liquor sponsors for Christian events may be a good idea, and reminds people that Jesus had the first liquor license.…

Bishop Secular has a special message for those who wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and it’s a funny message! Hear what…

Certain members of the congregation make life so difficult, that Bishop Secular feels ushers should get gratuity for dealing with them. Find out who Bishop…

A homegoing service is usually a very emotional events, but Bishop Secular has one item in mind that should not be left with the dearly…

Even though this a political season, Bishop Secular reminds you not to get caught up with President Obama‘s or Mitt Romney‘s plan for your life.…