This fall, CBS is replacing the soap opera "As the World Turns" with an hour-long daily talk show with six co-hosts -- all women, all mothers.

Monday was a day for the history books — if those will even exist in the future.

Hymns, praise music, Negro spirituals, Christian rock, sacred harp and Gregorian chant may seem like starkly different styles with little in common, but they share one thing: they can all be heard in churches across America. SOURCE: Religion News Service Greg Garrison / The Birmingham News

According to reports, this basketball player is in the process of purchasing a $50 million dollar mansion in the Coral Gables section of Miami.

How many of you have a "SWAGGER WAGON" out there??LOL

Please share your thoughts on this article which blast and blames the church for single and lonely women ..... i know this author is off !!!!!

Betty White Clothing Line Coming Soon