
Life Skills 101: Living on a Budget

Remember that every challenging situation you find yourself in can become a possible set up for something greater.

Obedience Controls Your Blessings

Some of you are on the 21 day Daniel Fast, offering up the first fruits to our Lord! Well here is a great read from an blogger about watching what you let into your ears, especially during such times as fasting!

From a man's perspective, if you are the female spouse of an unemployed man here are a few things that can help you motivate him:

Who’s Influencing Your Thinking

Check out this great article pulled from about 'What's In A Name"! It's funny, yet true.

There is a saying, “Success is when opportunity meets preparation.” This is such a timely statement when it comes to receiving promotion from God and going to the next level in your life, whether on the job or in the financial, relational or ministerial arenas.