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With the holidays and the new year fast approaching, I know people are gearing for that yearly new year’s resolution. What is the #1 resolution, yup you guessed it, weight loss, losing weight, dropping a few pounds etc. Why do we do this to ourselves every year and quit. The reason is not taking small steps. Taking baby steps to reaching major weight loss goals is the best thing you can do for yourself. It has now been exactly one year ago I lost 28 pounds in 8 weeks. I was and still am committed to myself. I feel great. I still do these same 3 activities I am about to share with you. If you make small weekly commitments to yourself, you can achieve major weight loss and be proud of yourself.

So, let’s get to it. January will be here before you know it, so you must get ready and prepare your mind for 2010. There are three steps to major weight loss and here they are


This is HUGE! This is 90% of your success. Meal planning is the key to making this first step work. Eating the right foods is not easy, but once you make the choice, it is quite simple. Eat from small plates and eat 4-6 small meals a day with snacking in between. Make the switch from white to 100% whole wheat everything. Watch your intake of high sugar fruits and veggies. Some examples are oranges, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples and pears are a healthy snack.


I get up and take my kids to school (via walking may I add). I come home and do my workout and get it out the way before I start my day with work. I do various workouts from DVD’s to the treadmill in my home. I make sure I work up a good sweat and burn enough calories. You want to make sure you are stretching after you workout too. Doing muscle confusion is another great tool to effective weight loss. You want to implement weights with cardio to get the most burn. To get fat loss, you need to add weights to your program to see major weight loss.


Finding the right supplements is crucial. You need to replenish your muscle with protein bars or shakes and fuel your body with proper nutrition and vitamin supplements. Supplements help your body recover after your workout. You do not need any tearing in your muscles. You need a vitamin that will absorb in your body. Most vitamins at your local store or GNC are no good. They have no absorption to them.

With these three simple steps to major weight loss, you are sure to see the results you are looking for. You will be pleased with your success like I still am. I have these last 10 pounds to lose and as of today, I revved up my weight loss program. The idea is to burn more calories for more fat loss. Most people think if they don’t eat they will lose weight which is not true, the exact opposite will happen. When you starve your body, it will hold on to any food that you eat when you do feed it. Keep everything in perspective and do it for yourself and know that you deserve to look and feel great.

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