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By:  Michael E. Brooks


Americans love innovation, and the more novel the better. Several facets of our society, technology, business, sports, music, television, etc., confirm this trend every year. As a people we are constantly seeking, poking, and prodding for the new, the better, the flashier, the more compelling. While innovation is the engine that drives needed and necessary advances in a wide range of disciplines and industries, what happens when a technology or idea resists? The simple answer is death…usually.

Numerous ideas and technologies that were once cutting edge now fill the proverbial and literal garbage dump. The individual reasons for why are legion, but the central cause is they ceased to be a compelling product. Successive generations of users, believers, fans, and fanatics simply faded, drifted, or were attracted to other things instead of reinvesting. This trend is relatively harmless when considering gadgets, more so when it applies to wallets, but what about a central tenet of one’s faith?

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