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Tonight is the presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. First Lady Michelle Obama is amped for tonight’s debate and reminds us to make sure we are registered and go out and vote. She also shares with us what President Obama is doing right now to prepare for tonights debate.

First Lady Obama says she is so excited about this years voting season and that it’s very refreshing that people especially young people are pumped up, standing in line to vote.

Who’s in the White House determines so much about how our country looks. Whether or not we have healthcare, when we go to war and why, whether kids have money for college grants and student loans and for young people, they must understand, that they will inherit all of this, like it or not….all of these challenges will wind up on their lap, so I want them to be engaged on shaping the country that their gonna live and have to raise their kids in.

During this weeks big debates the Obama’s will also be celebrating their big anniversary tomorrow hitting 20 years of marriage!

Check out our voter registration and election coverage here.

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