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A new study released by the New England Journal of Medicine chronicling the health disparities between Black Latino and White children in Chicago, Houston, and Alabama produces some very alarming data. According to the report, Black and Latino children were more likely than white children to be obese, witness gun violence and ride in a car without a seat belt and participate in a list of other unhealthy behaviors. One of the factors that can dramatically decrease developing these negative health patterns is what school your child attends.

The researchers examined 16 health behaviors, many producing life long health issues like  cigarette smoking, alcohol use, poor exercise habits, terrorism fears, bike helmet use and psychological quality of life.Researchers found that obesity rates were twice as high among black and Latino children, placing those children at increased risk for diabetes and heart problems. Black children were also more likely to be bullied, smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol than white and Latino youths.

Read the full report by the New England Journal of Medicine here.