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Mark Jackson stands without a sound in the front left corner of his Southern California church, rocking from foot to foot with his eyes closed and his hands clasped behind his back, reports Fox Sports.

This dance lasts several seconds before he interrupts the silence with piercing claps and starts bellowing prayers in a distinctive, deep voice. This solo act lasts several minutes more before the congregation joins with vociferous offerings and more clapping.

Within 20 minutes, Jackson rallies a group of 50 people – varying in garb from three-piece suits to lint-covered sweat suits – into a collective eruption of praise. Different languages and prayers follow him into such a thunderous roar that the fortitude of the building comes into question.

This scene is from a summer Wednesday. It’s a perfect representation of Mark Jackson in any season, on any day. To know him as the new leader of the Golden State Warriors, you have to know him as the pastor of True Love Worship Center International.

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