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via  This year we commemorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. It was one of the great tragedies in American history — brother set against brother. More than 600,000 Americans were killed.

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But looked at in the longer perspective of history, the Civil War was a necessary moral corrective to help abolish the naked evil of slavery.

Of course, for at least 100 years after the war, America’s record on race relations and civil rights was, at best, checkered. But over the last 40 to 50 years, we’ve seen extraordinary progress in racial reconciliation.

I just had a great illustration of this on Easter weekend during a prison visit in Alabama. It was one of the great weekends of my ministry, because I saw God’s vision for Prison Fellowship in a new and exciting light. What is happening in the prisons of that state is extraordinary.

On Saturday night of Easter weekend, we had a dinner for our supporters in the Birmingham area down the road from the jail where Martin Luther King, Jr., penned his famous Letter from a Birmingham Jail, one of the great documents of the 20th century — and one of the great Christians works on justice ever written. read more