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Wondering how to make your backside look better in jeans? Build up your back muscles. Plenty of exercises to use to tone your tush, but back exercises improve your posture, and when you stand up straighter your backend looks better, too.
“A strong back makes everything look better,” says Terri Walsh, a celebrity personal trainer in New York City. “You look better in your clothes, you carry yourself taller and straighter, and you avoid getting that hunched-over slouchy look.”

Along with improving your posture, a strong, toned and flexible back helps protect against low-back pain. “About 80 percent of low-back pain is directly related to low-back strength,” says Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., a researcher currently working on a low-back strength study at Quincy College in Massachusetts. “Weak low-back muscles, which most people have, are a precursor to eventual chronic low-back pain, fatigue or discomfort,” he adds.
Most fitness centers have machines for working your back muscles, but you can also perform many back exercises with just your body weight or with the help of exercise bands, tubes or balls. “The best back exercises produce an extension of your trunk in a reasonable range of motion,” says Westcott.

Here are four effective back-strengthening exercises you can do anywhere:

Seated rotation twist

– Sit cross-legged pressing your legs into the floor, or sit on a bench.

– Hold a piece of tubing across your back, with hands stretched out in front.

– Rotate your torso to the right, pulling your stomach in and keeping your hips stable.

– Hold this position for a count of two.

– Return to the center position.

– Repeat on the left side.

– Perform two sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

Tip: “You actually work the back muscles on the reverse part of the repetition,” says Walsh.

Quadruped extension rotation

– Get down on the floor on your hands and knees.

– Place your left hand on the back of your head, elbow out to the side.

– Reach your left elbow down toward your right arm, keeping your right elbow locked.

– Return to the starting position and stretch slightly beyond, turning your head to the left.

– Perform 12 rotations.

– Reverse direction, placing your right hand on your head and reaching toward your left arm.

Tip: The movement should come from your mid-back, not your hips.

Basic trunk extension

– Lie face-down on an exercise ball, hands crossed at your chest, weight on your toes.

– Lift your upper body away from the ball.

– Return to the starting position.

– Perform two sets of 10.

Tip: “To make the exercise more challenging, add resistance by holding a medicine ball against your chest,” says Westcott.

Locust pose (yoga)

– Lie on your belly on a mat, arms at your sides, palms up. Rest your forehead on the floor.

– Exhale as you lift your head, chest, arms and legs.

– Look straight ahead or slightly upward.

– Hold for 30 seconds.

– Exhale and release.

– Repeat five times.

Tip: Keep your neck extended rather than compressed.