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Infant eczema afflicts more than half around the world and is the most occurring skin disorder among young children. It affects both the old and young but amongst the most common cases are children and newborns. Infant eczema can be moderate to severe and help is here to treat infant eczema.

The symptoms of infant eczema include itching, redness, cracking, flaking and bleeding in the elbows, arms, skin folds, face, cheeks, neck and trunks. In severe cases, eczema takes place together with diseases like asthma and hay fever. For such cases, infant eczema should be taken care of and assured the environment is clear of allergens.

Here are a few simple changes moms can do to relieve their child’s eczema:

Switch your laundry detergent.  Dreft is harmful and is no better or gentle than tide.  I used dreft with my son and it caused his skin to itch and become dry.  These are simple changes you can make in

and around your home.  Eczema once it itches, can be very uncomfortable for the baby, relieving my son was my number one concern.  His eczema was clearing in the first 2 weeks.  He is 7 and is totally eczema free.

Switch to a french milled bath bar.  We were using cetaphil soap which is one of the most recommended soaps by pediatricians.  It works for a minute but the symptoms always came back.  The key here

is no toxins or chemicals on the skin.

Switch your lotion.  We used Aveeno and Eucerin which helped a little but again, the infant eczema came back.  These are little changes that are effective over the long term.  I tried every trick in the book even down to oatmeal baths.  We wasted alot of money on remedies.

For more information on how to make these simple and quick changes to see results click here.