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HOUSTON – Wedding memories can last a lifetime whether it’s your first time around or your third. It’s the music, the magic… and the mall food court?

“It’s called the wedding is on us program,” said Jesse Rodriguez, marketing director for Plazamericas, the former Sharpstown Mall.

On Valentines’ day ten happy couples tied the knot in the mall food court for free. It was a promotion to help improve the negative image of the mall to a more family oriented place.

“All the attention was on us and that’s what we wanted,” said newlywed Paula. Her new husband then chimed in with “and it was free,” said Jacob Rivera with a smile.

Plazamericas provided the Justice of the Peace, a professional photographer, cake, band, and even the bubbly, non-alcoholic, of course.

“It was like ooh, great idea. It’s probably just like going to Vegas except you probably have to pay there,” said newlywed Troika Bruce with a giggle.

In these tough economic times paying wasn’t an option for Edward and Jennifer. “Money is real tight,” said Edward Smith.

After all, they say love don’t cost a thing, right? In the end twenty happy people got to share their love with everyone. I’d say that’s a pretty special Valentine’s Day