
Shortly after Obama closed his remarks, 27.2 million people watched the first game of the NFL season on NBC. You have to see the numbers!


“I can assure you that, for all you football fans, that he will be completed before kickoff,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Thursday. Meanwhile, a growing percentage of those millions tuning in to “Sunday Night Football” are women, and producers are coming up with programming to make sure the numbers continue to grow.


White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers looks like she's making things happen at her new position at Johnson Publishing home of Jet and Ebony Magazine.

President Barack Obama took his family to services on Sunday, walking out of the White House and to a nearby church frequented by presidents. Accompanied by


via:newsone President Barack Obama’s father told immigration officials in 1961 that he wanted to put his unborn son up for adoption, according to the Boston Globe. The report also claims that Barack’s mother, Ann Dunham, was going to give him to the Salvation Army, though the White House has firmly denied that report. Read More

Common, who recently co-stared with Queen Latiffah in 'Just Wright', performed at the White House for a celebration of poetry. Admist the outcry from critics about comments made towards former US President George W. Bush in a past performance.

Washington (CNN) -- More members of Congress are seeing something cleared for only a select group of Americans: Photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse.

  via:eurweb She sang “At Last” at the Inauguration Ball while Michelle Obama danced with her husband, and this week Beyonce again used her singing talent for the First Lady’s benefit  – this time in support of the White House campaign to fight childhood obesity. As part of “Let’s Move! Flash Workout,” a new partnership […]


  via:eurweb President Barack Obama canceled a family trip to Williamsburg, Va., planned for this weekend so he can remain at the White House to try to reach a budget deal. “The president will remain in Washington, D.C. this weekend as he continues to work with congressional leaders to reach an agreement on the budget,” […]


BET's CEO Debra Lee has done it all and now she is running the White House. Click to read more!