via Every person on the planet at times is an Oscar-winning liar. Haven’t we all lied without being caught? As the Bible says, “There is no one righteous, not even one …. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit” (Rom. 3:10-13). Lying is more perilous than

via by R. Albert Mohler Is the Church guilty of beating people with the Bible? As strange as that argument might sound, it is actually a powerful weapon in the hands of those who are determined to normalize homosexuality and same-sex marriage within the Church. Those pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality now

John Piper considers what the Bible says about lying–and what it says about truth. “Is honesty really the best policy?” This is a notorious question. And it is important, but not as important as asking what it is inside of us that tempts us to be dishonest. My first response to this question is to […]