
"Please Continue to Pray For Our Commander And Chief Of These United States Of American, His Family, His Administration, Congress,This Country And All Local, National And International Leaders" 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Can you rel8 to this? I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  Bottom line…it works!  It is literally the key to maintaining a life spiritually fit.  Greater than any other area of fitness, prayer lends the most long term results, bar none.  It is a time when individuals who believe, exercise their […]

The World Evangelical Alliance is calling on Christians to pray for Haiti as aid agencies race to bring food, clean water and medical care to the thousands of survivors of Tuesday’s earthquake.

Too often we find ourselves praying for the wrong things. We pray for stuff; physical, material things. Instead, we should pray for the ability, character, and integrity to be able to properly handle those physical blessings. We pray, “Dear God, I need a new job. I need more money. I need a new car. I […]

From NPR Scientists are making the first attempts to understand spiritual experience – and what happens in the brains and bodies of people who believe they connect with the divine. The field is called “neurotheology,” and although it is new, it’s drawing prominent researchers in the U.S. and Canada. Scientists have found that the brains […]

From The power of prayer has long been controversial, but a new study in a leading psychological journal finds some of the first scientific evidence that it truly works – at least on the person doing the praying. While previous studies have looked largely at the people being prayed for, investigators flipped the research […]

VIA As we move closer to the start of a new year, it is natural to reflect. Some of us make resolutions to do better. Others of us end commitments or make fresh starts. Wherever you may find yourself, making prayer a priority in your life will only enhance 2010.


The power of prayer has long been controversial, but a new study in a leading psychological journal finds some of the first scientific evidence that it truly works – at least on the person doing the praying.

Written by Noelle Sewell <img src="" alt="domestic-violence" width="426" height="282" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-123871" /> Via: <a href=""></a> Surprised? Not!! As the commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to a close I thought that it would helpful for people to understand why many pastors do not want to talk about this issue with their congregations. I can give at least four reasons why they don’t want to address it.