VIA: It’s been many years since I had to prepare lunches for schoolchildren. But I did do it for more than a decade, and mostly on a budget. With hot lunches at many schools being costly or of poor nutritional value, it is certainly wiser and healthier to pack your own. While there is […]

VIA: HEALTHNEWS.COM – PHOTO VIA: HEALTHY U   A joyous day indeed when the research done by the medical community actually finds that one of your favorite foods can aid your heart, cut your stroke risk and lower blood pressure. And just in time for Easter! Tomorrow’s publication of the European Heart Journal includes the […]

VIA: WEBMD.COM. PHOTO VIA: TOPNEWS.NI   Diet, sleep, fitness, and more — how to strengthen and protect your heart right now   How do you get a healthier heart, right now? The answer sounds too good to be true: “By simply leading a healthier life,” according to Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of New York […]

This workout is for the guys out there that want to be lean, explosive, athletic “BEASTS”. The workout program with burn fat, build muscle, make you jump higher and give you a quicker first step. I call this program “THE ATHLETE IN YOU”! I will use Olympic lifts, plyometrics and agility drills to get you going…..So let’s get started.

"Laughter Is Good Medicine And Health To Your Bones And To Your Relationship"


  Five Quick Steps To Mastering Food Labels By Latwanas Stephens October 13, 2009 9:00 am   Via: So far, we’ve discussed marketing slogans and how they can affect your eating habits, and the basics of what we should eat. If we’ve made one conclusion, it’s that we need to understand food labels to […]

A lot of times when we have a head ache, or heart burn we just brush it off as the norm; but what about that one time that it is not the norm? We should always pay attention to the warning signs. Here is a list of the seven warning signs you should never ignore.

Screening tests can find diseases early, when they’re easiest to treat. Talk to your doctor about which preventive medical tests you need to stay healthy. Body Mass Index. Your body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight. It is used to screen for obesity. You […]

If you’re looking for a scapegoat in the obesity epidemic, look no further than soda. It’s the single greatest caloric source in the world, accounting for somewhere between 11 and 19 percent of all the calories consumed worldwide. It’s cheap, addictive, and readily available, which generally means that it will take some willpower to avoid.

( — The importance of annual physical exams for African American adults cannot be stressed enough. Regular exams can very often help uncover risk factors and problems before they become serious. Plus, if a disease is caught early, treatment is usually much more effective. Ultimately, having regular doctor’s visits will help you live a long […]