Pastor Charles Jenkins chats with his friend Erica Campbell & GRIFF about his new song, “Christmas Music.” He also breaks down his “Positive Air Movement” and how Philippians 4:8 inspired him to start it. He explains why he felt struck by the urge to help spread positive energy and combat the negativity that can plague […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF thanks God for kids growing up and finding their way.  He notes that they’ve changed so much since childhood, that they often don’t remember their smaller, stinkier, dirtier selves. They don’t want to remember it, in fact. He prays for all of the parents and teachers and other […]

Erica Campbell and GRIFF are really excited for Thanskgiving! Erica says she’s even excited for the loud family members who take 14 plates of food. GRIFF, on the other hand, is really excited for football. He also shares his fondest memory from his Thanksgivings growing up. Check out the exclusive video above to hear more […]

Well, it happened; we blinked, and now Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Thanksgiving is definitely one of the favorite holidays- it really just consists of food, family, tons of laughter, debate and storytelling. But there’s a crucial element of Thanksgiving that we can’t let slip under the radar- thanks! Erica Campbell & GRIFF ask […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF was struck by the repeated attempts he has has to deal with people stealing phone chargers in people’s houses! He asks that God “binds the spirit of taking the charger that ain’t yours.” He is fed up with the charger-stealers, who sometimes even pull off a sloppy job […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF explains that he that he attended a swap-meet, or flea market, this weekend. He says that while he was there, he caught a glimpse of some bootleg CDs, and upon further inspection, realized that they were the typical bootlegs. Normally, when one finds bootleg CDs, they are usually […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF talks about the experience he had when he went out to go vote early last Saturday. He walked up to the park where the voting took place, and saw a whole bunch of people, tons of cars, police and news crews. He immediately didn’t feel like voting, but […]

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF discusses a strange moment that occurred recently, when he went in to go hug a friend of his after church, and he realized that his facial hair had been painted on. This confusing moment lead him to take a second to ask God what is going on. This […]

Erica Campbell and GRIFF are super excited to reveal the new “Get Up!” Newsletter, which provides listeners with everything they need from the show, straight to their inbox! From important interviews, to a healthy does of the inspiration you need to get through your week, the “Get Up!” newsletter might just make your day a […]

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year or so, you know how absolutely mind-boggling this election season has been. This year’s race is historic for many reason, and which way it goes will determine a lot of the changes we will say over the next decade in this country. So Erica […]