Hi there. I’d like to teach you how you can look years younger by brushing your face with a toothbrush. I’ve been doing this regularly for almost 15 years. I’m middle-aged now, but my skin still thinks it’s in its late 20s. Shhh– don’t tell.. You’re probably thinking, a TOOTHBRUSH? It this woman crazy? I know, […]

Check out this article from KTRK.com about buying great skin products on a budget: Did you know that a lot of beauty products are made by the same company, with the same ingredients, and in many cases, the only difference is the packaging and the price?

by Dr. Maoshing Ni a Yahoo! Health Expert for Cholesterol What do you see when you look in the mirror? According to Chinese medicine, your face is a window to your health. Your forehead, nose, chin, right cheek, left cheek: Each of these five face zones gives you clues to what is going on inside […]