Today, we rightfully honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His powerful voice summoned the non-violent protest of the infringement of civil rights of the African-American community.

Today all across our great nation we recall the greatness of a man. Here are the monuments erected to his memory.

The Civil Rights Movement was a historic time with a long list of remarkable individuals who fought, walked, talked and united for equality for all mankind.  In addition to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being a standout figure of this movement, there were many before him, with him and people who continue fighting. 

Many offices are closed on Monday to mark the national celebration of the birth of  Dr. Martin Luther King.  Dr. King challenged us to be the best we could, for who we could, when we could.

When we speak of Dr. King we often  forget that one of his  greatest loves and callings in life was that of his family.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s life is rich and full of great history.  We’re fortunate enough to have documents, video, audio and other information available to study, watch and review.  Here’s a few tidbits you can add to your MLK files if you didn’t know about the birthday guy. 1.  Did you know he was originally […]

The Newseum,  the only museum dedicated to news in the world, in Washington, D.C will host it’s first Martin Luther King Day  Event  on Sunday January 16, 2010.

Today Dr. King would have turned 82!  We salute and celebrate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!

On Good Friday in 1963, 53 blacks, led by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., marched into downtown Birmingham to protest the existing segregation laws. All were arrested.