For years people have been trying to lose weight fast, but Dr. Ian Smith came up with a solution on how to do it the…

CNN.Com is reporting that the Center for Science in the Public Interest wants the Food and Drug Administration to conduct research on caramel food coloring chemicals. This specific ingredient is what cola companies use to create a brown-colored beverage. Read More


Most Diet Nutritionists agree that all foods should be eaten in moderation, but are there foods that we should avoid all together? The truth is, there actually are unhealthy food types that you should try to avoid – some might say they are “foods to die for” – literally! How To Choose A Nutritious Lunch […]

Via: Staying on a diet long enough to achieve major weight loss can feel like a journey down a deserted highway: there are no signs to tell you where you are,

Via: What if you could combine a sizzling calorie burn with an all-over toning routine? This workout does just that. By alternating high-energy cardio intervals with strength moves that target all of your major muscles, you’ll burn more fat than you would get from lifting weights alone. And if you stick to the routine, […]

Via: Eating well is one of the best ways you can take care of yourself and those who depend on you. What you eat makes a big difference in the way you look and feel.

Bone health needs to be a priority for all of us no matter our age.


You had a truly memorable time at that cookout or party, but about the healthiest thing you ate were the tomatoes and onions and pickles on top of that hot dog.


Hallelujah diets. Body by God. Karate for Christ. Gospel groove workouts. Using the Lord's name (not in vain), fitness and diet enthusiasts are injecting the Almighty into nutrition programs, exercise DVDs, martial arts and healthy living courses.