Just when we were starting to accept that pretty people made all the money, we get hit with yet another study. First, we were told that attractive people are paid $230,000 more over a lifetime based solely upon appearance and not experience. If that wasn’t depressing enough, a more recently published study is saying that […]

(CNN) -- The starting gun has been shot. I can't unwear the gown, unwalk the aisle or unshake the dean's hand. My identity has been profoundly changed by a piece of paper, a diploma that hereby certifies that I graduated from Rutgers University. There is no going back. Now what?

Job interviews are nerve-racking and an interview that goes badly can turn even the most confident person into a sobbing mess. Hopefully, these 16 tips will help put your mind at ease, and make your next job interview bearable, perhaps maybe even an enjoyable experience! 1. Be Confident. It may seem obvious but confidence is […]

Via: defendernetwork.com Next month, Grammy Award-winning singer Natalie Cole will open up about her two-year battle with a life-threatening illness in a new memoir ‘Love Brought Me Back: A Journey of Loss and Gain.’ In 2008, Cole revealed that she had also been diagnosed with hepatitis C and she has also suffered from kidney disease. […]