
Today marked the very first United State of Women Summit at The White House led by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. As expected, the event attracted some of the most powerful, educated and elegant ladies in the country as they gathered to talk about worldwide women’s equality and other women-related topics. The […]

The 13 speeches against the thousand mass shootings that have occurred in his second term speak to the enormous amount of work that must be done to change the gun control debate in America.


Trump turned 70 on Tuesday. We'd like to think that with age comes wisdom, but Trump has clearly demonstrated that is not case.

President Barack Obama on Thursday endorsed Hillary Clinton, just days after she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in a historic victory. The announcement came in a Facebook video and email. “I want to congratulate Hillary Clinton on making history as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States,” he says in the YouTube video […]

The 108-year-old Indiana man never met a sitting President until Obama visited Indiana on June 1.


Underscoring his calls for criminal justice reform, President Barack Obama on Friday commuted the prison sentences of 42 people who were locked up as non-violent drug offenders, reports AFP. The harsh prison terms were doled out under “outdated and unduly harsh sentencing laws,” the White House said in a statement. Most were “small-time drug dealers […]