In a recent survey 54 percent of respondents reported having less than $25,000 in total savings and investments, excluding their home or workplace pension, if any. Some 27 percent said they don’t have even $1,000.

  Via: Whenever I get together with a group of girlfriends, our conversation ranges through many things.  Men, Relationships, Finances and Reality TV are popular subjects we discuss.  Lately, I find myself in ciphers with women giving their first-hand accounts or stories about someone they know who has fibroids.  The subject has connected women […]


Although the number of African- Americans affected is small, it’s important to know that proper caution may help you and your friends and family prevent the disease.


Historically underrepresented groups such as African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans are eligible for millions of dollars in grants. Of particular note are those fields that have been traditionally lacking diversity, such as the sciences and business.  There  are many organizations willing to help out in these trying times. The Multicultural Advertising Intern Program through the […]

Via: Important Factors African-Americans Can Prevent Against Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, includes heart attack, stroke, heart failure, hypertensive heart disease, and diseases of the arteries, veins, and circulatory system. African-Americans have the highest death rate from cardiovascular disease of all racial and ethnic groups. Risk […]

*An unknown third-year Harvard Law student has caused outrage at law schools around the country with an email suggesting that blacks are genetically predisposed to be less intelligent than whites, reports Above the Law. The writer emailed this to only a select few, one of whom forwarded it to more people. It eventually made its […]

The Denzel Principle is a humorous look at the age old complaint of the inability for African American women to find a “good man”.

Valentine’s day is more than just giving flowers, jewelry and candy to someone.

Do you have a godparent? Are you a godparent? What does the term mean to you?