Winter boots don't have to be bulky and bland. These heels and wedges are weatherproof and will keep your feet happy through the most frigid of storms.

Jennifer Hudson was originally casted for the lead role in hit movie “Precious,” but turned the opportunity down, the award winning actor reveals in her memoir. SEE ALSO: “Slave Statue” Project Causes Controversy In Indianapolis

Watch A Tearful American Idol Alum David Archuleta Make Announcement.


Don King annual act of kindness was staled because of the hijacking incident, but there maybe a "Plan B" to complete what he had set out to do.

Good morning blessed Family remember Teamwork divides the tasks and multiplies the success.

It is Monday. The hardest day of the week for many of us. Let's try this week to make Monday the hallmark in which we claim all that is good and great in life. This will be the week in which we reign victorious. We claim all these things in the name of the Divine.ake a moment a give yourself a huge stretch, and wake up. The first thing you want to do is say thank you for this day. Be thankful for the people in your life and that you woke up.