
Via: AOL NEWS President Obama is set to sign into law a health-care bill that would extend insurance to the 32 million Americans who are currently without it.But the more than 2,000-page health insurance bill has left more than a few consumers confused about what health-care reform will actually mean to them. Here are the […]

Congress gave final approval on Sunday to legislation that would provide medical coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and remake the nation’s health care system along the lines proposed by President Obama.

Boy I tell you.SPARE THE ROD....You know the rest! LOL

The authorities in southern New Jersey said Saturday that they had arrested a 16-year-old boy for activating a public-address system at a Wal-Mart store last week and ordering “all black people” to leave.

Following the Jan. 12 earthquake, the Archdiocese of Miami announced plans to spend $1.57 million for Haitians in Haiti and in South Florida.

A childhood friend of Barack Obama's in Indonesia has given never before seen photographs of a young Obama to the Associated Press ahead of the president's visit to the country next week.

In the midst of the recovering from the tragic quake, Haitian women and girls are now being targeted by Hatian male rapists. According to CNN, two cases of attempted rape have been reported in the past few days and one suspect has been arrested.

The 56-year-old Winfrey was number 400 on the list with wealth estimated at $2.4 billion – down by $300 million from a May 2009 Forbes estimate of $2.7 billion.

Surveillance video captured school bus driver driving through 10 stop signs and not slowing before deadly turn!

Detroit will be closing 40+ schools to save $31M and to restructure the Detroit School System!