
Dorothy Height, a leading civil rights pioneer of the 1960s, died Tuesday at age 98, Howard University Hospital confirmed.

Obama Administration Announces New Plans to Help With Housing!

According to Atlanta Associated Press, Spelman College was granted $1 million dollars from Exxon Mobil to increase the number of black, female engineers.

There were 784,764 U.S. residents who described their race as white and black in the last census. But that number didn’t include Laura Martin, whose father is black and mother is white.

You can look to facebook if you want want to. But I will look to the hills from which cometh my help!!!LOL

They are doing quite well for themselves. But do you think America's invading the first family's financial privacy????

For some reason this morning, there's a big rumor going around that President Obama has canceled National Day of Prayer 2010, scheduled for May 6. It's not true, despite what your search engine and e-mails tell you.

Benjamin L. Hooks, a champion of minorities and the poor who as executive director of the NAACP increased the group’s stature, has died. He was 85.

McDonald’s Restaurants of Greater Cincinnati will be the lead sponsor of this year’s Midwest Black Family Reunion at Sawyer Point.

Thinking about going back natural and ditching the perm? Well check out this video from the Natural Hair Show 2010 that went down in Atlanta this past weekend! Also sign up for to get more information about maintaining black hair as well as looking at the hot hairstyles!