

At Windsor Central High School in Windsor, New York, white students organized a themed event at a basketball game where they dressed as Crips and the Bloods complete with accessories that allowed them to be walking Black stereotypes without a thought in their head about the actual Black people they were caricaturing. 


Sen. Mike Braun said during a Tuesday press conference that the U.S. Supreme Court had legalized federal policies that should instead be left to states to decide. A reporter asked him if that applied to Loving v. Virginia, which legalized interracial marriage. Braun said "yes" but now he says he "misunderstood."

Thankfully, due to the power of Google, we're able to find answers to the world's most pressing questions, even those about Black people.

Around the region, people are filling in the gap to meet the overwhelming need of the moment.  

According to the CDC, In 2018, black babies had the highest infant mortality rate among any race, almost three times higher than their white counterparts

The Tigers went into Gainesville, Florida, and dominated the 20th ranked team in the country by beating Florida 69-54.


U.S. Justice Department reopened the investigation into the horrific lynching of Emmett Till in 2018 after a book, The Blood of Emmett Till, quoted Carolyn Bryant as saying she lied when she claimed Emmett whistled at her and made sexual advances. But on Monday, the probe was closed with no new charges being filed.

A shocking study from Obstetrics & Gynecology journal found that homicide was the leading cause of death among pregnant and postpartum people.

Since the Voting Rights Act's gutting in the 2013 Supreme Court case Shelby v. Holder, the procedural guardrails that would flag issues like those in the Texas maps no longer exist.

A black man in Tennessee was granted a new trial after his jury deliberated in a room with multiple Confederate symbols hanging from the wall.