
            By Sarah Bernard via:shine   Is it not true that scoring that fabulous pair of jeans — the one that transforms your body into a better version of itself — makes you feel like you’ve discovered a buried treasure? Is it not also true that repeatedly trying on pair […]

Via: With soccer practice, piano lessons, friends, homework, tests and more, there are countless activities that compete for time on the family calendar. With thoughtful planning, you can be sure that fun family time gets penciled in, too. Karen Deerwester, family expert and author of “The Entitlement-Free Child: Raising Confident and Responsible Kids in […]

I’m sure you have seen it before. You and your partner go out for a nice dinner and get seated next to another couple. They begin bickering, and before long you are sorry you are sitting next to them. Their talk is unkind to one another, and you can only wonder why

Organic or all natural. Do you know the diffrence? It seems a lot of us don't and are being mislead into thinking that what's on the label is what it is. Read this article and get a better knowledge of what's in your food.

The McRib actually has nothing to do with ribs. It's a boneless pork patty molded into the shape of a rib slab and adorned with pickles, onions and barbecue sauce on a bun. The sandwich made its debut in 1981. But McRibs are almost never available at all McDonald's restaurants at the same time. Instead, the Oak Brook, Ill., company offers them in different cities at different times, rarely for longer than a few weeks.

It's no myth: More couples than ever are relying on two incomes to get by. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York, 79 percent of today's married couples have both people in the work force, up from 66 percent in 1977. But at some point, life happens — you start a family, go back to school or face a layoff — and this new reality may force you and your partner to question whether you're ready to jump off of the dual-earner treadmill.

On an episode of the hit Nickelodeon series “iCarly,” the lead character’s eccentric older brother, Spencer, makes dinner one night. Glimpsed on screen, the dish consists of red-sauce-coated pasta stuffed into hard taco shells. What could be more unappealing?

          By Brian Wingfield via:yahoofinance   College graduates today face a dismal job market and often carry with them thousands of dollars in student loan debt. And yet, the price tag for a year’s worth of study at America’s most expensive colleges is close to $60,000. Overall, tuition costs at private […]

When it comes to preparing healthy meals at home, don't underestimate the value of your freezer. A well-stocked freezer can save you a trip to the store when you're pressed for time, which could mean the difference between making dinner and ordering in.

        By Mike Krumbolitz via:yahoo   Last year, a high school student named Corey Swearingen put a letter in a bottle, sealed it up, and dropped it in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Florida coast. It was kind of an experiment for school. In the letter, he appealed to whomever came across […]