
Every year we all get advice on how to deal with tax returns. Figuring it all out can get a bit crazy. Even worse is when we receive the refund and realize it’s all gone before we had it. Here is how to be smarter. Tax time: That interestingly peculiar time of year when ordinarily […]

Working at home has its advantages. Where else can you wear slippers and a bath robe while conducting an important business call?

When you become a mom, you want to spend all your time with your precious newborn. Being the guiding force in your kids life is the most important thing! That’s why work at home moms are so happy – building a home business allows you to spend plenty of time with your children while still […]

Since the recession in 2008, many U.S. churches have seen a decline in giving. But the tide may be changing. The third annual State of the Plate constituency survey of 1,507 churches revealed that 43 percent of these churches experienced an uptick in giving this past year (up from 36 percent the previous year). Overall, […]

In most homes today, both parents must work. However, there may come a time that a mom may be forced to stay at home. She may have lost a current job or even suffer a divorce and find herself a single mother of small children. No matter the reason, she can find true work-at-home opportunities […]

As we recover from the worst economic meltdown since the great depression we continue to see a trend of high unemployment, foreclosures and bankruptcies. Money is still being thrown away due to high debt carry over and the even higher interest rates attached to them. These debts can stop you from getting loans, renting or […]

We are nearing graduation time for our young people. As we look to letting go, let’s help them focus their financial futures by giving them sage advice. I know our parents always stress to us that we must take responsibility for our actions and never to place blame on others. But when it comes to […]

It takes courage to get rich. Millionaires moms are women who were not scared to take a risk when the right opportunity is presented and not too timid to take action when they have a great business or income idea.

When a young adult is making the transition into adulthood most of us are clueless about how to manage our money so we learn by trial and error. In order to avoid some costly mistakes the following are 7 ways a Young Adult can become more Financially Responsible.

The following are 5 steps to beginning the process of paying down debt!