mental health

It is Monday. The hardest day of the week for many of us. Let’s try this week to make  Monday the hallmark in which we claim all that is good and great in life. This will be the week in which we reign victorious. We claim all these things in the name of the Divine.ake […]

Furious about an unkind comment? Angry about a social snub? Say a prayer, even if you’re not religious. There have been several different schools of thought on this. When you were little your mother most likely told you to “pray for that child, or this child” Well research is starting to  point in the direction […]

In light of all the craziness that is happening in our world with natural diasters and war, let us place all our worries and cares before the One we know cares.Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He is well able to protect you, your family and all who take a stand on His Word. The following is a prayer based on Scripture.

Recently, revealed that Whoopi Goldberg smoked cannabis (marijuana) before accepting her Oscar in 1991.  Was it medical marijuana for Whoopi? “I know you’re not supposed to admit that you smoke pot but I don’t drink alcohol!” “Smoking cigarettes and pot every now and then are my habits. And I thought, ‘I’ve got to relax.’ […]

We all have moments where we just feel down in the dumps. Here is a way to pick yourself up out of the doldrums. Its the condition of life. Sometimes we let life swallow us up whole. We forget that we are part of a greater circle in life. We were not made to be miserable. I am not saying you should smile every minute of the day. I am saying that you should and are entitled to find simple joy in small things. Here are 8 things that are cost effective that you can do.

Parenting is a hard job. It’s the one job where a great deal of what you do you learn on the fly. It is however one that if you were given a firm solid base you have a ‘leg up on”. It is by far one of the greatest, yet most daunting things that one […]

Praying for friendships is one the most important things we can do in life. Without true friends we are bound in a world of loneliness missing God’s love in simple things.

In light of our friends struggling around the world with the earthquakes and tsunami's here is the song of the few words.

How many times have we wanted someone to be honest with us? The first step in honesty is being truthful with the first person in your life. The person that you look in the mirror at everyday deserves the value of honesty.

Commitment is a word that drives people. It is the moments in which you  become the most resolute about a decision or choice. What do your choices or non choices say about you?