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Shirley Sherrod, the fired and subsequently vindicated Department of Agriculture employee, said today she will sue the conservative blogger who posted doctored video on the Internet last week that made her appear racist.


The grill isn’t designed to cook meat; it's designed to cook food. To harness fire so you can sear, char, and caramelize any number of meats, vegetables, and fruits. A hot gridiron is a place where bland asparagus wilts into a backyard delicacy, homemade pizza crisps into an artesian flatbread, and ordinary fruit transforms into a gourmet dessert infused with the smoky signature of the grill.


Confronting the federal deficit starts with grasping just how colossal that number actually is. So, what would $1 trillion get you?


Credit card fees and rewards programs exacerbate income inequality by acting as a transfer of wealth from poor to rich, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of Boston study released Monday.

You're an expert at something? Hey, congratulations. Now, go become an expert at something else.

We all know how to spend less by sacrificing. From eating out less to buying fewer clothes to cutting back on vacations, saving through sacrificing can be effective, but painful. So if you are looking for ways of saving money, why not start with money saving tips that are relatively pain free?

“Time management isn't about magically finding more hours in the day. It's about making the most of the ones you have,” says Laura Stack, a productivity expert and author of SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best. “So stop hunting for spare minutes and start refusing to fill your calendar in the first place.”


When we saw this video, we were rolling on the floor! But we want you to be the judge! Does Teddy the pug actually barks 'Batman', or is is just his voice went out?


You know how we like to take you back! Watch this video of CeCe Winans, Whitney Houston and Shirley Caesar bringing down the house with this gospel medley at the 1996 Grammy Awards.

Are you one of those pepole who put EVERYTHING in the dishwasher? Well, this list is for you! After you read this story, you won't be throwing in your cast iron skillet and woden spoons ever again!